Now more than ever, our country is in need of some serious TLC. With the stresses of the world being put on our shoulders, we’re all searching for ways to help us relax and decompress at the end of the day. Vitamins and supplements, as well as certain lifestyle choices, can definitely reward us this relaxation, but we’re also looking into cannabinoids like CBD to see how its therapeutic benefits can help us during uncertain times like this.
Though our evidence is limited, many people’s individual experiences have led us to believe that CBD may be a great way to help us decompress naturally and healthily, typically without any negative side effects, either. Because of this, and myriad other reasons, CBD products are becoming widely popularized to help us de-stress and unwind.
How CBD Can Help Us Relax
Studies have started to demonstrate that CBD may have soothing benefits for our mind and body, one of those being an anti-anxiety property. In fact, anxiety is one of the most common reasons people turn to consuming CBD in the first place, and most find it successful. This is because cannabidiol, or CBD, is able to directly work with our body’s endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid receptors to help our brains control the production of certain enzymes. When our anxiety is on high alert and our thoughts are racing, these enzymes are firing off at rapid (and uncomfortable) speeds. Through clinical trials, we’re seeing that CBD is able to control the production of these molecules, allowing our thoughts to be clearer, more rational, and calming overall.
Not only has the compound shown anti-anxiety properties that could help our minds decompress, but it can also assist in pain relief to let our muscles relax, too. CBD has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties of various types; from alleviating pain in joints and muscles to reducing inflammation in the skin and within our digestive tract, most pains don’t stand a chance against this cannabinoid. For shallow aches and pains, CBD topicals can be ideal, as they’re directly rubbed on the area of discomfort for almost immediate relief. For more chronic pains that can’t easily be reached, consuming CBD oil, CBD edibles, or even smoking CBD flower can help create the relief you need to feel your best. The better we feel, the more relaxed we’re able to become.
When our brain and body feel their absolute best, we’re practically unstoppable. We can accomplish whatever we need to accomplish and feel satisfied and decompressed at the end of the day. No matter what we experience throughout our daily lives, adding a bit of CBD can make regular stressors feel more manageable and our bodies feel more prepared for whatever gets thrown our way.
Vitamins and Other Health-Promoting Supplements
CBD isn’t the only thing that can help us decompress. In fact, when cannabidiol is paired with other vitamins and supplements, your body is receiving the ultimate dose of happiness and healthiness.
Adding a bit of omega-3 into our lifestyles can add a lot to our health and wellbeing. These fatty acids have been proven to help with depression and anxiety, as studies have shown that those who consume omega-3 regularly are less likely to be depressed overall. Like CBD, omega-3 is also a key player in reducing inflammation, and it is even great for sleep. All of these benefits have been backed by science, allowing us to confidently enjoy the properties it brings. Taking omega-3 supplements, and also occasionally enjoying some CBD, can allow us to decompress on a daily basis, with everyday stressors not phasing us at all.
Other supplements like L-theanine have been found to naturally promote relaxation without leaving you feeling drowsy or fatigued. It’s organically found in black and green tea leaves, though you can buy supplement versions of it at your local drugstore. Many turn to L-theanine specifically for its relaxing properties, helping even the most wound-up person unwind before starting (or ending) their day.
Magnesium, Valerian root, and B complex are all other great sources of nutrition that can get you feeling more naturally relaxed than ever before. These vitamins and nutrients, along with some CBD, may provide you the ability to tackle every day with a more positive, calm mindset; they might be able to remind you that life just really isn’t that serious sometimes.
Lifestyle Choices that Promote Decompression
While CBD and other supplements can give you boosts towards natural, daily decompression, lifestyle choices like meditation or regular exercise can grant you this as well. When your body is happy, your brain is happy; making healthy lifestyle changes can leave us feeling great and looking even better.
Choosing to exercise on a daily basis not only gives us motivation, but it helps us unwind after a long day, week, or month (we’ve all been there). Even though we’re working our muscles, afterward, they’re able to relax and heal, as long as we let them. This healing time gives us a chance to decompress and feel proud of what we’ve accomplished-- not to mention, it can help you sleep at night, too. To combat muscle soreness, try rubbing a CBD cream on points of pain and let your body--and the cannabidiol--handle the rest.
CBD and You
Making the choice to improve your life for the better is a big one. But, actually doing it doesn’t have to be as intimidating as it sounds. Chemical compounds like CBD, as well as vitamins and healthy lifestyle changes, can all give us the extra boosts we need to allow us to shrug off the bad stuff and embrace all things good.
If you find that CBD may be the missing link you need to feel your absolute best, check out Medical Mike’s CBD products. We carry high-quality CBD products ranging from full-spectrum oils to hemp-based salves and everything in between. To help you wind down and relax after even the most hectic day, or put you in the mindset you need to tackle your workload, Medical Mike’s CBD products are crafted with the hope that they’ll do all that and more. Check our selection out today and give your mind and body the decompression it deserves.

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